And I am completely fine with that for the first time in years. I am finally okay with accepting that these feelings are a part of me. I've been okay for the longest time in years and it finally feels normal & I no longer feel the need to dodge my cynical depressing self.
I have also been under copious amount of stress during work over inconsequential things and was being constantly berated for things that aren't my fault. Too much negativity and hardly any appreciation from top management. I was pretty much in high school hell with 40+ year old grown woman constantly trying to bully me at work for speaking "American".
So now the awful work situation is left behind and I will sit on my butt and focus on me for a little bit but surely this little bit will turn into a lot o bit lol. GOD IDK I GOTTA FIGURE OUT SOMETHING I LIKE DOING BUT WHAT IF DOING NOTHING IS THE BEST IM AT!!!!
These bills aren't going to pay themselves though and I am a slave to corporate so who knows where I end up in life.
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