I'm embarrassed to admit that this collage took me at least two hrs |
Hydra Life BB Eye Creme from Dior: Oooh this stuff is my holy grail! It has the perfect light coverage, looks natural and doesn't crease.
Nude concealer from Dior: Okay, so clearly I'm a big fan of Dior. It's totally worth the $$$, in my humble opinon. I slap this concealer on when I want more coverage than my daily BB creme.
Naked Skin Foundation from Urban Decay: This line reminds me a lot of Dior's Nude line which makes sense because they have similar names and came out around the same time. I first tried this foundation in 2012 and 3 years later it's still one of my favourites. It always makes me look young and fresh. And make up is so easy and smooth to apply on afterwards.
Studio Sculpt foundation from Mac: Ok so I wear this usually in the summer because I feel like it suits me best when I'm a little tanned. Finding the right tan shade for my skin is exhausting. I could never match my face (which is always a few shades lighter) to my neck but NC45 does the trick.
MUFE Eyebrow kit: I've tried every eyebrow filling recommendation online from Benefit to Mac to Anastsia eyebrow kit. But this is by far my favourite one! So if you are on the lookout for an eyebrow kit, be sure to check this one out!
Watt's Up highlighter from Benefit: This is TOO addictive! Every time I leave the house without highlighting my face I feel like something is seriously missing because it became such an important part of my daily make up routine. I slap some on under my eyebrows, cheekbones, nose bridge, cupid bow and teardrops. I'd bathe in it if I could. IT'S TOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Gold Deposit Mineralize Skinfinish from Mac: I use this for special~ occasions and when I want my tanned skin to pop, I just slap it on my cheek bones.
Pinch Me blush from Mac: This blush is so gorgeous!!! I first tried it on at my friend's place and immediately fell in love and had to get it. It's so pink and sweet (??? If those are even the words to describe it). Just try it on! I feel like it's the kind of blush that is flattering on all skin tones.
Majorette creme blush from Benefit: Sometimes when I don't have the time or am too lazy to do my daily make up routine. I put minimal make up (like probably foundation, concealer and mascara) I like to fool the world by pretending I have dewy fresh tween skin. The trick to having dewy skin is using EVERYTHING CREME!!! You see what I'm trying to say? It just looks like your skin is breathing.
They're Real mascara from Benefit: BESTEST MASCARA IN THE WORLD AWARD GOES TO!!!! *DRUMROLL*!!!!! THEY'RE REAL!!! BY BENEFIT!!! Great job on creating this wonderful mascara. I remember I was wearing it for a funeral once and my cousin asked me in a mocking tone if i was wearing false lashes.... I felt so GREAT especially because she was trying to insult me >:) I was like nah bitch They're Real! So this is only review you need to go buy them.
Contour Clubbing waterproof black eye pencil from Bourjois: It's a waterproof black pencil... what is there more to say... and it's easy on the pocket. Idk Bourjois continuously impresses me year after year. It might be my favourite beauty drug store brand.
Favorite Mac Lipsticks: Heroine which is a beautiful, flattering shade of violet and is matte but also not rough on the lips. Another one is Rebel which is my favourite lipstick to wear during the winter or whenever I want to look like I could whoop your ass if you fuck with me. What I love about both those lipsticks are that they're a statement of their own. It's like an entire make up look.
Bourjois Velvet line lipsticks: I'm so glad I came across this line, all their colours are so rich and opaque! The colour stays on forever and even though it has a velvet matte finish it's also very hydrating so it doesn't dry out your lips after a couple of hours. My personal favourites are; Nude-ist which is honestly my favourite nude lipstick thus far. I even prefer it over Kinda Sexy by Mac. Another one is Personne Ne Rouge which is the perfect shade of red with blue undertones that makes my teeth look super white.
MUFE Primer: I'm not entirely sure what this thing exactly does but every time I put it on after my make up it makes everything look so much better and put together. So Much Better & Put Together.
Prep/Finish Spray: Dew me from Urban Decay to give you that dewy finish and Prep + Fix from Mac to make it all last longer and look like you have fresh make up.
Rocking Body Leg Shine from Victoria's Secret: So this isn't exactly make up or supposed to go on your face and I don't exactly put it on my face but I like to smear a little on my cleavage lol and arms and legs~. It makes me feel like a very petite bond girl.